Logo Oro Caffè, dal 1987 la Torrefazione artigianale di qualità

Wholesale Coffee Beans

Coffee is about more than what you brew. It’s a feeling of exceptional quality, flavour, and olfactories that come together and create a moment in time that can be savoured. At ORO Caffè, we pride ourselves on striving for perfection, roasting our beans in a way that combines traditional and innovative techniques. 

Throughout our history as roasters, we have established strong relationships with growers, allowing us to create blends that delight the senses, no matter the coffee beverage. We aim to provide our customers with a wholesale variety of coffee beans while never compromising excellence.

Coffee Roastery Machine | Oro Caffè

Espresso Beans

It’s no surprise that espresso is synonymous with Italian coffee. Our beans are handpicked and go through a lower temperature roasting process to enhance the oils present. They are also finely ground to be easily compacted and brewed through a unique pressurized process.

Icona drupa caffè sull'albero dx | Oro Caffè

Single Origin Coffee

Some countries of the world are known for their exceptional growing conditions and, as a result, have specific roasting requirements. These details transform the beans you know and love into something special, which is why we seek to highlight these options for all our customers.

Brazilian Coffee

With a distinct flavour, Brazilian beans are known for their low acidity. Once brewed, they can be described as smooth-bodied and sweet with notes of chocolate, caramel, and nuttiness.

Italian Coffee

The conditions in Italy are insufficient to grow the coffee plant. However, the country is known for its unique process of roasting, which is one of the most popular varieties of our coffee beans for wholesale. Scents of toasted bread and caramel are sure to arise from a brewed cup, with a mellow taste and full mouth feel.

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is the country where coffee beans were first grown. Ethiopian beans tend to envelop the senses. Expect a higher acidity but also sweetness, with hints of jasmine and citrus flavours and olfactories.

Peruvian Coffee

A 100% arabica creation, these beans are slightly acidic with a balance of sweetness and aromas. Expect notes of dark cocoa, malt and caramel. Unique to this blend, a hint of walnut settles on the tongue as an aftertaste.

Guatemalan Coffee

With medium acidity and sweetness, Guatemalan beans set themselves apart from the rest. On the palate, coffee lovers will appreciate the orange aftertaste with scents of chocolate. 

Panamanian Coffee

Grown at high altitudes, these beans are known for their mild flavour and fruity taste. With a higher acidity, Panamanian beans have a tea-like body which some prefer compared to stronger roasts with lighter tastes.

Types of Coffee Beans

The coffee bean itself is the seed of a coffee plant. There are two main varieties, Arabica and Robusta, and each has its own unique characteristics. Ultimately, the true flavors of these beans are realized through the roasting process that they undergo. Often, they will be blended together to achieve a better end result.

Arabica Coffee

You can easily find arabica beans grown throughout Latin America, including Brazil. They must be cultivated at certain altitudes and due to their versatile nature, they are known as the world’s most popular type of coffee bean. Arabica seeds tend to have a smooth and sweet taste.

Robusta Coffee

While these beans can be grown in the same areas as arabica, they are harder to sprout and tend to produce smaller yields. It’s also common to find them grown in certain parts of Africa and Asia. Once roasted, Robusta beans produce a strong flavor with earthy notes.

Decaf Coffee beans | Oro Caffè

Decaf Coffee

Some hot beverage drinkers prefer the taste of coffee, but not the caffeinated effects of it. Decaf coffee is the perfect option. Our uniquely curated coffee beans for wholesale blend starts off with the same beans as our regular caffeinated varieties. However, before roasting, the beans undergo a process that removes most of the caffeine molecules. From there, they are roasted to perfection and will brew to a milder flavour with a rich colour.

How can I place an order?

If you’re interested in providing your establishment with the finest quality coffee beans for wholesale, we would be happy to discuss how our products can support your business. Reach out to us to discover how we can help you.

Coffee beans packaging | Oro Caffè

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