A Quality-First Wholesale Coffee Bean Supplier
What is it that draws businesses to ORO Caffè? It’s our passion for the product, not to mention a wide selection of blend options. Our quality path – a commitment to excellence and a truly authentic Italian coffee bar experience with every cup – enables for a premium wholesale solution that many of our clients count on. There’s nothing else quite like it!
The Finest Hand-Selected Beans
The quality path is achieved through a precise attention to detail in every step of every bean’s journey. They’re first sourced from select regions around the globe and chosen with care. The origin and subsequent quality of a blend is what makes all the difference, which is why we take the research and selection phase seriously. Therefore, our wholesale coffee beans originate from countries including Brazil, Guatemala, Kenya, Ethiopia and Colombia for Arabica, along with Vietnam and India for Robusta. Every bean is handpicked, and there’s plenty of tasting tests along the way to ensure a consistently premium coffee experience for your customers!
Artisanal Roasting
Next up is the roasting phase, which we’ve refined over many decades and treat as an art form. As a result, every cup of ORO Caffè coffee is a masterpiece with just the right aroma, strength, acidity and, of course, flavour. This is the result of our specialized roasting process, harnesses the maximum potential of every bean.
Mixing for the Perfect Blend
In addition, as a wholesale customer, you deserve to have plenty of options to choose from – one blend, no matter how excellent it is, simply isn’t enough! There’s no need to limit your customers’ choices when searching for a coffee bean supplier if they have plenty of choices available, and that’s why many businesses turn to ORO Caffè. Thanks to our carefully managed mixing processes, we produce incredible blends by combining specific, separately roasted types of coffee. From cappuccinos to full-bodied espressos and more, it’s how we’re able to offer a wide variety of options to commercial customers worldwide.